Number Sensory Bin for Little Learners

There’s no better way to learn numbers than through sensory play. Sensory bins are a fun and engaging way to help your kiddos learn and explore numbers and math skills such as sorting, number identification, counting, and one to one correspondence. Plus they get the added benefit of exercising those ever so important fine motor skills!

When children are introduce a subject through play and in a way that they can touch, feel and interact with, there’s a much better chance that they’ll retain the knowledge better.

Your little learners will love learning everything numbers in this simple sensory bin!

Materials Needed:

Magnetic Numbers (I got these from the dollar spot in Target.)

Cookie Sheets (Dollar Store Find)

Bowls (Dollar Store Find)

Mini Tweezers

Mini Scoops

Washable Sensory Balls

Don’t have a big budget to stock up on these fancy fillers? That’s OK. Check out this article on 100+ Sensory Bin Fillers and grab some new and inexpensive ideas of what to fill your sensory bin with!

Sensory Bins are a fantastic way to get those little learners learning using their senses. Think sight, touch, communicating with friends!

Sorting is an important foundational math skill for preschoolers that teaches about similarities and differences. Sensory bins allow children to explore this concept in a multi sensory activity as they play.

Your kiddos will love learning numbers in this simple sensory bin.

Sensory bins allow children to explore and manipulate materials in their own way at thier own level of learning and readiness.

So many learning options are available for little ones in this simple sensory bin.


  1. What a great way to differentiate math learning for your students! It brings to mind all kinds of possible scenarios for students to learn at their level. For instance, starting with a number and collecting that many beads. Those getting ready for adding would collect 2 numbers and corresponding beads. What a fantastic math activity!


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